This is Penelope. She is a lop rabbit. Not to be confused with a dwarf lop, as she is quite svelte.
Penelope or Bunnage as she is affectionately known, is a house rabbit. A house rabbit is much like a house cat, except when we leave the house or go to bed, she gets the kennel. House rabbit's are spoiled and entitled, they have what we bunnymama's call bunnitude.
This is Penelope's Easter Bunny Audition Picture. She is hoping to get a part in
Angels Touch Photography's Easter Photo Extravaganza. Stephanie over at Angels Touch is using Live Bunny's for her Easter shoot.
We are pretty sure that Bunnage is second place, just behind Lil Bunny Foo Foo.
So hop on over to http://www.angelstouchphotography.com/ and see what's going on for Easter.
Actually Penelope is a much better color to play Easter Bunny. We may have to use her for a few shots! She's way too cute not to model.