About Me

I am a captive caretaker of three small terrorists and an exotic petting zoo. I try regularly to sneak college courses so one day I can leave this place.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Strawberry Door Jam(b)

JP was alone with the kiddies and being that he was ill, his tolerance for nonsense was not at it's highest. Especially when he found two open containers of strawberry jam in the refrigerator. One, covered in the gooey strawberry sugar. Now little KT has this reputation of making PBJ and smearing jelly from here to East India. She was also the likely culprit for not being able to find the original jelly and opening up the second jar (something she is supposed to get permission for.) So when she got corrected for it, she was quick to entertain denial. KT can never say, "I don't remember doing that" she just flat out denies it. Which, for some reason, really irked JP.

So while I heard the banter downstairs, I didn't put much stock in it. Until I heard a loud bang and then someone crying. Apparently, KT had pushed JPs buttons to the point of combustion. He actually had a little tantrum and threw a full jar of jam onto the floor of the pantry (which splashed on the floor, the food, the door, and the jamb.) Now, while he didn't harm a hair on her head, I think he was actually scared that he would, which is why the jam got tossed (you should never have things in your hand when your children are pushing your buttons...it could be dangerous...you don't always know what those buttons will do! For me, it was nice to have someone else lose it so I can say, "See, I told you that child can be impossible!!!"

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